Launch of FirmSite Advanced April 2, 2013 12:01 PM
Would you like a web marketing solution for your law firm that includes everything from SEO to online advertising?
We thought so.
FindLaw is proud to announce the launch of our newest lawyer marketing product, FirmSite Advanced. A total web marketing solution, FindLaw’s team of experts work together to not only create a comprehensive marketing strategy for your practice, but is also there to provide you and your firm with ongoing support. Comprised of writers, project managers, bloggers, SEO strategists and much more, you will have an expert at your fingertips throughout your marketing campaign.
FirmSite Advanced delivers the results that law firms want:frequent traffic and more qualified prospective clients. The product is builtaround a foundation of four market-proven methods in order to accomplish theseobjectives: website, SEO, social media and online advertising.
Here’s a more in-depth look at some of the benefits eachmethod will provide you and your firm:
Website: Custom design, branding, keyword-rich content andvisually enticing animation are just some of the things your website willinclude. Each of these items has the unique ability to drive the type oftraffic you are seeking to your site and, once there, work to turn them from apassive visitor into a client.
SEO: Optimizing your web page for search engines to findyour great content takes a team of experts. Luckily that is exactly what youwill get with FimSite Advanced. Our team of experts will help bring qualifiedleads to your website, including directory and social submissions, localoptimization and FindLaw network exposure.
Social Media: The new word of mouth advertising, engaging insocial media and publishing relevantcontent on a blog will help drive traffic to your site and also expand yournetwork.
Online Advertising: With nearly six million visitors everymonth, getting your firm in front of the FindLaw.com audience is a great way toadvertise to targeted consumers looking for legal information and attorneys.
As you can see, FirmSite Advanced has a ton of features togive you a truly comprehensive marketing campaign that delivers the results youwant. If you have questions or are ready to take your web marketing to the nextlevel, get in touch with your local FindLaw lawyer marketing consultant today!
— Jim Schonrock, Senior Director, Marketing
with Laura Strachan, FindLaw Audience Team

Categories: Product Launches Tags: firmsite advanced, lawyer marketing
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