Romance rumor du jour: Another musical hookup for Taylor Swift?

on 11 Apr 2013
By Kat Giantis

Looks like Taylor Swift may already be collecting material for her next album. On Thursday night in London, she was snapped in the company of British singer-songwriter Tom Odell, who accompanied her to a pub before they hit hot spot the Groucho Club.

The pair's evening out came a day after they were spotted enjoying a backstage tête-à-tête at the Brit Awards, where Taylor performed "I Knew You Were Trouble" in front of a crowd that included her latest ex-boyfriend, Harry Styles, and Tom collected a Critics' Choice prize.

Swift, 23, and Odell, 22, have been part of a mutual admiration society since he performed a slowed-down version of "Trouble" during an appearance on BBC Radio in January.

"So I was already a [Tom Odell] superfan," the popster tweeted on Jan. 23. "Now I'm just floored. This is so good."

Odell, whose debut album drops in April (translation: romantic speculation-fueled publicity wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing) blushingly replied, "yesssssssss pleased you like it.. xx."

When that exchange sparked talk that Swifty might be flirting with him, Tom was abashed. "That's odd, isn't it? That's crazy. That's mad," he spluttered to Spinner. "Well... maybe she is. Quite nice. She's a pretty girl."

At the time, he had never met Swift, but found the flirtation possibility "cool." Then, he pretty much guaranteed more of the same by complimenting her talent.

"Taylor Swift is a really intriguing character in music in that she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world and yet I think her songs are brilliant, I really do," he said. "I think she writes really dark lyrics. … I think she's a lot more real than people think she is."

Click on for more photos of Taylor's rousing performing at the Brit Awards ...

View the original article here


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