Tax Procrastinators, Never Fear: FindLaw.com Is Here to Help April 9, 2013 9:01 AM
Are you a tax procrastinator? Are your clients? If so, FindLaw.com is here to help.
For the first time in three years, Tax Day actually falls on April 15 this year. (Recall that over the past two years, Tax Day was pushed back due to a local holiday in Washington, D.C.) So come Monday at midnight, your completed IRS forms should be in the mail or e-filed.
For those who’ve become accustomed to getting an extra few days to fill out their forms, it still isn’t too late to crunch those numbers — or even to ask for an extension.
With time very much of the essence, here are five ways FindLaw.com can help you finish those taxes:
FindLaw's Tax Center is a great place to start. It's the gateway to our vast collection of easy-to-read articles on tax filing basics, as well as common tax problems to avoid. We also have links to federal tax forms, along with forms for every state.Personal income tax issues are addressed in depth in one of the most popular sections of FindLaw's Tax Center. This includes an overview of what types of income are subject to tax, what deductions are potentially available, and how tax credits can reduce tax liability.How should you pay your taxes? Sending a check in the mail may be the best-known method, but did you know you may be eligible for an installment payment plan? Our article on tax payments explains how that works.Learn how to avoid an audit by staying off the IRS' radar. In fact, there are six particular "red flags" that IRS agents look for, so you'll want to make sure your tax return doesn't include any of those common mistakes.Need more help? Even the most careful and prudent taxpayer may need help from a tax lawyer from time to time -- especially if the IRS requests an audit or otherwise takes issue with your return. FindLaw's lawyer directory can link you directly to an experienced tax attorney near you.Whether you need last-minute tax help for your business, your clients, or just for yourself, FindLaw offers many resources to help everyone get through this taxing time of year. Take a look at all of our offerings, and good luck!
-- Kevin Ahlvin, Director, Business Marketing
with Andrew Chow, FindLaw Audience Team

Categories: Product Spotlights Tags: audits, findlaw.com, Income Tax, IRS, tax deductions, tax lawyer, taxes
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