Android Vs BlackBerry OS (RIM): Which Is Better?

on 3 Aug 2013

The longtime battle between Android and BlackBerry OS RIM does not seem to slow down. Both mobile phone operating system giants keep introducing new features and applications every now and then, making it trickier than ever for an average user to decide if he/she should go with Android or BlackBerry. Both operating systems have their own pros and cons that you need to evaluate in line with your needs, ensuring you find the right OS that fits your needs and is worth every penny you spent on it.

To help you make a better decision, here are given some advantages and disadvantages of Android and BlackBerry RIM OS:

Plus points of Android

• Being open source gives Android operating system a competitive edge in the marketplace. Open Source means programmers and developers can create their own versions of Android, i.e. custom tailored Android operating system to cater to specific needs.

• In Android Market, you will find truckloads of useful applications that are focused on enhancing your experience as a user. You can find an application for nearly any situation.

• Android OS is easily compatible with most smartphones and has minimum hardware requirements. It has a unique Swap-space management feature that lets you open multiple applications simultaneously.

• The process of synchronizing contacts, email or other personal information is also a breeze as you just need to pair your device to the desktop computer by following an easy procedure. The synchronization process is quite tricky in BlackBerry OS as you have to install some software and server.

Negative points of Android

• Poor battery life is one of the key points that may dampen your spirits to choose Android.

• Android does not have any mechanism to tell poorly designed apps apart from good ones, so you may have to go through many useless applications before finding the decent one that fits your criteria.

Blackberry RIM Os

Geared towards business professionals, BlackBerry mobile phones have recently adapted many new strategies like its close rival Android, to enhance the user experience. They have come with Push Email technology that enables you to send and receive messages instantly. The elegant keyboard provides accuracy and faster typing that is rarely found in most of its competitors. Additionally, BlackBerry phones are rugged yet stylish, and come with a data compression option, making them the number one choice of corporate users. Compared to competitors, BlackBerry has longer battery life, ensuring optimal power consumption with single full-charge.

Negative Points

BlackBerry has its own App World which is though not so popular due to poor interface and less number of applications. Its web browser is very slow, leading to sluggish response time while browsing through the web. Despite data compression feature, the browser fails to keep pace when loading web resources such as wallpapers and pictures. Being strictly business-oriented, BlackBerry overlooks the needs of average users, which makes it a not-so-good choice for the everyday person.

Which OS to choose?

Both OSs are solid and convenient, providing similar functionality. Android has more appeal though, whereas BlackBerry is preferred by business professionals and corporate users. Personal sentiments and brand loyalty may play a role in your selection of operating system.

Priyanka Sharma is an experienced content writer who is passionate about writing on a variety of topics. During her 4-year career as Content Writer, she has written quality content for websites relating to insurance, travel, baby's products, health guides, felonies etc. as well as PRs, blogs, articles, product descriptions, brochures and more

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