Showing posts with label Auction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auction. Show all posts
on 4 Apr 2013
Jim Carrey

In the continuing saga over Jim Carrey’s anti-gun video attacking Charlton Heston, eBay has walked back its decision earlier this week to censor a user who announced that proceeds for an autographed photo of the actor would be used to purchase a firearm.

STORY: Jim Carrey Slams 'Fux News' Over Gun Fight: It's a 'Media Colostomy Bag'

The auction in question, from a user named “astrobuzz,” went into great detail about objections to Carrey’s Funny or Die video called "Cold Dead Hand," and how he wanted to sell his Carrey collectible to purchase a handgun for the protection of his family. He even alluded to a recent crime they had been victim to. EBay, though, killed the auction after 103 bidders drove the price of the $8 photo to $860.

Two days after eBay squashed the auction, though, a spokesperson on Friday emailed the following statement to The Hollywood Reporter:

“The listing complied with eBay’s policies and was removed in error. Following the removal, eBay reinstated the listing and all fees were credited back to the seller. We apologize for the error and the inconvenience to the seller.”

PHOTOS: Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations

Meanwhile, astrobuzz started a trend at eBay, whereby users were selling Carrey collectibles with promises that they’d use the money for various pro-gun activities. User hkings promises to give money he gets for some Carrey Blu-ray discs to the NRA and Operation Gratitude, which sends care packages to U.S. military personnel. User drpepsi, on the other hand, lists a 2-cent check signed by Carrey as follows: “Hey Jim Carrey buy this $0.02 eBay check not for a gun but for an unemployed dad.”

Also, t-shirts have begun to spring up on eBay, including one celebrating Carrey’s Funny or Die video and another that seems to disparage it.


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Jim Carrey

In the continuing saga over Jim Carrey’s anti-gun video attacking Charlton Heston, eBay has walked back its decision earlier this week to censor a user who announced that proceeds for an autographed photo of the actor would be used to purchase a firearm.

STORY: Jim Carrey Slams 'Fux News' Over Gun Fight: It's a 'Media Colostomy Bag'

The auction in question, from a user named “astrobuzz,” went into great detail about objections to Carrey’s Funny or Die video called "Cold Dead Hand," and how he wanted to sell his Carrey collectible to purchase a handgun for the protection of his family. He even alluded to a recent crime they had been victim to. EBay, though, killed the auction after 103 bidders drove the price of the $8 photo to $860.

Two days after eBay squashed the auction, though, a spokesperson on Friday emailed the following statement to The Hollywood Reporter:

“The listing complied with eBay’s policies and was removed in error. Following the removal, eBay reinstated the listing and all fees were credited back to the seller. We apologize for the error and the inconvenience to the seller.”

PHOTOS: Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations

Meanwhile, astrobuzz started a trend at eBay, whereby users were selling Carrey collectibles with promises that they’d use the money for various pro-gun activities. User hkings promises to give money he gets for some Carrey Blu-ray discs to the NRA and Operation Gratitude, which sends care packages to U.S. military personnel. User drpepsi, on the other hand, lists a 2-cent check signed by Carrey as follows: “Hey Jim Carrey buy this $0.02 eBay check not for a gun but for an unemployed dad.”

Also, t-shirts have begun to spring up on eBay, including one celebrating Carrey’s Funny or Die video and another that seems to disparage it.


View the original article here

Jim Carrey

In the continuing saga over Jim Carrey’s anti-gun video attacking Charlton Heston, eBay has walked back its decision earlier this week to censor a user who announced that proceeds for an autographed photo of the actor would be used to purchase a firearm.

STORY: Jim Carrey Slams 'Fux News' Over Gun Fight: It's a 'Media Colostomy Bag'

The auction in question, from a user named “astrobuzz,” went into great detail about objections to Carrey’s Funny or Die video called "Cold Dead Hand," and how he wanted to sell his Carrey collectible to purchase a handgun for the protection of his family. He even alluded to a recent crime they had been victim to. EBay, though, killed the auction after 103 bidders drove the price of the $8 photo to $860.

Two days after eBay squashed the auction, though, a spokesperson on Friday emailed the following statement to The Hollywood Reporter:

“The listing complied with eBay’s policies and was removed in error. Following the removal, eBay reinstated the listing and all fees were credited back to the seller. We apologize for the error and the inconvenience to the seller.”

PHOTOS: Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations

Meanwhile, astrobuzz started a trend at eBay, whereby users were selling Carrey collectibles with promises that they’d use the money for various pro-gun activities. User hkings promises to give money he gets for some Carrey Blu-ray discs to the NRA and Operation Gratitude, which sends care packages to U.S. military personnel. User drpepsi, on the other hand, lists a 2-cent check signed by Carrey as follows: “Hey Jim Carrey buy this $0.02 eBay check not for a gun but for an unemployed dad.”

Also, t-shirts have begun to spring up on eBay, including one celebrating Carrey’s Funny or Die video and another that seems to disparage it.


View the original article here

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