Showing posts with label Continue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Continue. Show all posts
on 13 Apr 2013
Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

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West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  March 20, 2013
Next Release:  March 27, 2013

At 8.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d), U.S. crude oil imports in 2012 were the lowest for any year since 1997, as growing domestic crude oil production drove a 444,000 bbl/d (5.0 percent) decline from the 2011 import level. With refinery runs remaining relatively high, U.S. refiners are running an increasing amount of domestically produced crude oil. However, the crude oil import reduction trend is not geographically uniform. Most of the decline in imported crude oil occurred in the Gulf Coast and East Coast regions, while Midwest imports rose (Figure 1).

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Since peaking in 2005 at 10.1 million bbl/d, U.S. crude oil imports fell in six of the subsequent seven years, amounting to a total decline of more than 1.6 million bbl/d (16.1 percent). Over the same period, net crude runs at U.S. refineries fell only 200,000 bbl/d (1.4 percent). As a result, imports represented 57 percent of crude oil run in U.S. refineries in 2012, down from 67 percent in 2005.

Reductions in the use of imported crude oil were most apparent along the Gulf Coast, home to about half of the nation's refining capacity. Imported crude runs in this region were 4.5 million bbl/d in 2012, representing 58 percent of total crude runs, down from 80 percent in 2005. EIA's weekly data indicate that that trend is continuing and accelerating in 2013. Average Gulf Coast crude oil imports for the four weeks ending March 1 dropped below 3.4 million bbl/d, the lowest four-week average since 1992.

From 2005 to 2012, East Coast refinery runs of imported crude decreased 735,000 bbl/d (46 percent). That decrease was almost matched by a 685,000 bbl/d decrease in overall East Coast crude runs. Recently, the large price differentials between landlocked crudes with growing production, such as Bakken, and global seaborne crudes that are linked to the price of Brent have encouraged refiners to bring more domestically produced crude into the region via rail. In 2012, 92 percent of crude oil run in East Coast refineries was imported, down from 99 percent in 2005.

Opposite this trend, the Midwest has been importing significantly more crude oil since 2005. In 2012, runs of imported crude oil reached 1.7 million bbl/d, an increase of 205,000 bbl/d (14 percent). In 2005, almost 34 percent of imported crude oil run in the Midwest was shipped to the Midwest via another region, most commonly by pipeline from the Gulf Coast; however, by 2012, nearly all imported crude processed in the Midwest was imported directly from Canada. While total U.S. crude imports have been decreasing, imports from Canada have gone up 775,000 bbl/d since 2005. The United States imported 2.4 million bbl/d of Canadian crude oil in 2012, or about 28 percent of total U.S. crude imports.

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In addition to crude from Canada, crude imports from Colombia, Kuwait, and Brazil also increased; however, imports from other major suppliers declined since 2005 (Figure 2). U.S. imports from Nigeria have fallen 671,000 bbl/d (62 percent) since reaching almost 1.1 million bbl/d in 2005. This decline in imports of Nigerian crude has been split fairly evenly between the Gulf Coast and East Coast. Much of the growth in domestic production has been light low-sulfur crude oil, a suitable and more economic substitute for the Brent-price-linked Nigerian grades, which have lost competitiveness in U.S. import markets. The United States has also reduced imports of heavy high-sulfur crude from Mexico and Venezuela and light low-sulfur crude from Angola and the United Kingdom.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices both decrease for a 3rd week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased one cent to $3.70 per gallon, down 17 cents from last year at this time. Prices declined in all regions of the nation except the Midwest, where the price is $3.65 per gallon, up three cents from last week, and the Rocky Mountain region, where the price is unchanged at $3.47 per gallon. The West Coast and East Coast prices both dropped four cents, to $4.01 per gallon and $3.69 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast price declined two cents to $3.52 per gallon.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased four cents for the second consecutive week, to $4.05 per gallon, 10 cents lower than last year at this time. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation, with the largest decrease on the West Coast, where the price decreased seven cents to $4.16 per gallon. The Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountain prices are now both under the $4 per gallon mark, falling five and four cents from last week, respectively, to $3.99 per gallon and $3.97 per gallon. The East Coast price declined four cents to $4.08 per gallon, and the Midwest price is $4.02 per gallon, dropping three cents from last week.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.2 million barrels to end at 41.8 million barrels last week, and are 1.0 million barrels (2.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 1.2 million barrels, while East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories changed only slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 8.0 percent of total propane inventories.

Residential heating oil and propane prices decrease
Residential heating oil prices decreased during the period ending March 18, 2013. The average residential heating oil price fell by 3 cents to $4.01 per gallon, 10 cents per gallon lower than the same time last year. Wholesale heating oil prices decreased by 4 cents to almost $3.10 per gallon, 29 cents per gallon less than last year at this time.

The average residential propane price decreased by nearly a penny, to $2.48 per gallon, almost 39 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year. Wholesale propane prices increased by nearly 4 cents to $1.01 per gallon for the week ending March 18, 2013, 23 cents per gallon lower than the March 19, 2012 price.

This is the last data collection for the 2012-2013 SHOPP season. Data collection will resume on October 7, 2013 for publication on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

on 10 Apr 2013
Released:  March 20, 2013
Next Release:  March 27, 2013

At 8.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d), U.S. crude oil imports in 2012 were the lowest for any year since 1997, as growing domestic crude oil production drove a 444,000 bbl/d (5.0 percent) decline from the 2011 import level. With refinery runs remaining relatively high, U.S. refiners are running an increasing amount of domestically produced crude oil. However, the crude oil import reduction trend is not geographically uniform. Most of the decline in imported crude oil occurred in the Gulf Coast and East Coast regions, while Midwest imports rose (Figure 1).

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Since peaking in 2005 at 10.1 million bbl/d, U.S. crude oil imports fell in six of the subsequent seven years, amounting to a total decline of more than 1.6 million bbl/d (16.1 percent). Over the same period, net crude runs at U.S. refineries fell only 200,000 bbl/d (1.4 percent). As a result, imports represented 57 percent of crude oil run in U.S. refineries in 2012, down from 67 percent in 2005.

Reductions in the use of imported crude oil were most apparent along the Gulf Coast, home to about half of the nation's refining capacity. Imported crude runs in this region were 4.5 million bbl/d in 2012, representing 58 percent of total crude runs, down from 80 percent in 2005. EIA's weekly data indicate that that trend is continuing and accelerating in 2013. Average Gulf Coast crude oil imports for the four weeks ending March 1 dropped below 3.4 million bbl/d, the lowest four-week average since 1992.

From 2005 to 2012, East Coast refinery runs of imported crude decreased 735,000 bbl/d (46 percent). That decrease was almost matched by a 685,000 bbl/d decrease in overall East Coast crude runs. Recently, the large price differentials between landlocked crudes with growing production, such as Bakken, and global seaborne crudes that are linked to the price of Brent have encouraged refiners to bring more domestically produced crude into the region via rail. In 2012, 92 percent of crude oil run in East Coast refineries was imported, down from 99 percent in 2005.

Opposite this trend, the Midwest has been importing significantly more crude oil since 2005. In 2012, runs of imported crude oil reached 1.7 million bbl/d, an increase of 205,000 bbl/d (14 percent). In 2005, almost 34 percent of imported crude oil run in the Midwest was shipped to the Midwest via another region, most commonly by pipeline from the Gulf Coast; however, by 2012, nearly all imported crude processed in the Midwest was imported directly from Canada. While total U.S. crude imports have been decreasing, imports from Canada have gone up 775,000 bbl/d since 2005. The United States imported 2.4 million bbl/d of Canadian crude oil in 2012, or about 28 percent of total U.S. crude imports.

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In addition to crude from Canada, crude imports from Colombia, Kuwait, and Brazil also increased; however, imports from other major suppliers declined since 2005 (Figure 2). U.S. imports from Nigeria have fallen 671,000 bbl/d (62 percent) since reaching almost 1.1 million bbl/d in 2005. This decline in imports of Nigerian crude has been split fairly evenly between the Gulf Coast and East Coast. Much of the growth in domestic production has been light low-sulfur crude oil, a suitable and more economic substitute for the Brent-price-linked Nigerian grades, which have lost competitiveness in U.S. import markets. The United States has also reduced imports of heavy high-sulfur crude from Mexico and Venezuela and light low-sulfur crude from Angola and the United Kingdom.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices both decrease for a 3rd week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased one cent to $3.70 per gallon, down 17 cents from last year at this time. Prices declined in all regions of the nation except the Midwest, where the price is $3.65 per gallon, up three cents from last week, and the Rocky Mountain region, where the price is unchanged at $3.47 per gallon. The West Coast and East Coast prices both dropped four cents, to $4.01 per gallon and $3.69 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast price declined two cents to $3.52 per gallon.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased four cents for the second consecutive week, to $4.05 per gallon, 10 cents lower than last year at this time. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation, with the largest decrease on the West Coast, where the price decreased seven cents to $4.16 per gallon. The Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountain prices are now both under the $4 per gallon mark, falling five and four cents from last week, respectively, to $3.99 per gallon and $3.97 per gallon. The East Coast price declined four cents to $4.08 per gallon, and the Midwest price is $4.02 per gallon, dropping three cents from last week.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.2 million barrels to end at 41.8 million barrels last week, and are 1.0 million barrels (2.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 1.2 million barrels, while East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories changed only slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 8.0 percent of total propane inventories.

Residential heating oil and propane prices decrease
Residential heating oil prices decreased during the period ending March 18, 2013. The average residential heating oil price fell by 3 cents to $4.01 per gallon, 10 cents per gallon lower than the same time last year. Wholesale heating oil prices decreased by 4 cents to almost $3.10 per gallon, 29 cents per gallon less than last year at this time.

The average residential propane price decreased by nearly a penny, to $2.48 per gallon, almost 39 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year. Wholesale propane prices increased by nearly 4 cents to $1.01 per gallon for the week ending March 18, 2013, 23 cents per gallon lower than the March 19, 2012 price.

This is the last data collection for the 2012-2013 SHOPP season. Data collection will resume on October 7, 2013 for publication on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  March 20, 2013
Next Release:  March 27, 2013

At 8.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d), U.S. crude oil imports in 2012 were the lowest for any year since 1997, as growing domestic crude oil production drove a 444,000 bbl/d (5.0 percent) decline from the 2011 import level. With refinery runs remaining relatively high, U.S. refiners are running an increasing amount of domestically produced crude oil. However, the crude oil import reduction trend is not geographically uniform. Most of the decline in imported crude oil occurred in the Gulf Coast and East Coast regions, while Midwest imports rose (Figure 1).

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Since peaking in 2005 at 10.1 million bbl/d, U.S. crude oil imports fell in six of the subsequent seven years, amounting to a total decline of more than 1.6 million bbl/d (16.1 percent). Over the same period, net crude runs at U.S. refineries fell only 200,000 bbl/d (1.4 percent). As a result, imports represented 57 percent of crude oil run in U.S. refineries in 2012, down from 67 percent in 2005.

Reductions in the use of imported crude oil were most apparent along the Gulf Coast, home to about half of the nation's refining capacity. Imported crude runs in this region were 4.5 million bbl/d in 2012, representing 58 percent of total crude runs, down from 80 percent in 2005. EIA's weekly data indicate that that trend is continuing and accelerating in 2013. Average Gulf Coast crude oil imports for the four weeks ending March 1 dropped below 3.4 million bbl/d, the lowest four-week average since 1992.

From 2005 to 2012, East Coast refinery runs of imported crude decreased 735,000 bbl/d (46 percent). That decrease was almost matched by a 685,000 bbl/d decrease in overall East Coast crude runs. Recently, the large price differentials between landlocked crudes with growing production, such as Bakken, and global seaborne crudes that are linked to the price of Brent have encouraged refiners to bring more domestically produced crude into the region via rail. In 2012, 92 percent of crude oil run in East Coast refineries was imported, down from 99 percent in 2005.

Opposite this trend, the Midwest has been importing significantly more crude oil since 2005. In 2012, runs of imported crude oil reached 1.7 million bbl/d, an increase of 205,000 bbl/d (14 percent). In 2005, almost 34 percent of imported crude oil run in the Midwest was shipped to the Midwest via another region, most commonly by pipeline from the Gulf Coast; however, by 2012, nearly all imported crude processed in the Midwest was imported directly from Canada. While total U.S. crude imports have been decreasing, imports from Canada have gone up 775,000 bbl/d since 2005. The United States imported 2.4 million bbl/d of Canadian crude oil in 2012, or about 28 percent of total U.S. crude imports.

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In addition to crude from Canada, crude imports from Colombia, Kuwait, and Brazil also increased; however, imports from other major suppliers declined since 2005 (Figure 2). U.S. imports from Nigeria have fallen 671,000 bbl/d (62 percent) since reaching almost 1.1 million bbl/d in 2005. This decline in imports of Nigerian crude has been split fairly evenly between the Gulf Coast and East Coast. Much of the growth in domestic production has been light low-sulfur crude oil, a suitable and more economic substitute for the Brent-price-linked Nigerian grades, which have lost competitiveness in U.S. import markets. The United States has also reduced imports of heavy high-sulfur crude from Mexico and Venezuela and light low-sulfur crude from Angola and the United Kingdom.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices both decrease for a 3rd week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased one cent to $3.70 per gallon, down 17 cents from last year at this time. Prices declined in all regions of the nation except the Midwest, where the price is $3.65 per gallon, up three cents from last week, and the Rocky Mountain region, where the price is unchanged at $3.47 per gallon. The West Coast and East Coast prices both dropped four cents, to $4.01 per gallon and $3.69 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast price declined two cents to $3.52 per gallon.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased four cents for the second consecutive week, to $4.05 per gallon, 10 cents lower than last year at this time. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation, with the largest decrease on the West Coast, where the price decreased seven cents to $4.16 per gallon. The Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountain prices are now both under the $4 per gallon mark, falling five and four cents from last week, respectively, to $3.99 per gallon and $3.97 per gallon. The East Coast price declined four cents to $4.08 per gallon, and the Midwest price is $4.02 per gallon, dropping three cents from last week.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.2 million barrels to end at 41.8 million barrels last week, and are 1.0 million barrels (2.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 1.2 million barrels, while East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories changed only slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 8.0 percent of total propane inventories.

Residential heating oil and propane prices decrease
Residential heating oil prices decreased during the period ending March 18, 2013. The average residential heating oil price fell by 3 cents to $4.01 per gallon, 10 cents per gallon lower than the same time last year. Wholesale heating oil prices decreased by 4 cents to almost $3.10 per gallon, 29 cents per gallon less than last year at this time.

The average residential propane price decreased by nearly a penny, to $2.48 per gallon, almost 39 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year. Wholesale propane prices increased by nearly 4 cents to $1.01 per gallon for the week ending March 18, 2013, 23 cents per gallon lower than the March 19, 2012 price.

This is the last data collection for the 2012-2013 SHOPP season. Data collection will resume on October 7, 2013 for publication on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

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West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

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West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  March 20, 2013
Next Release:  March 27, 2013

At 8.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d), U.S. crude oil imports in 2012 were the lowest for any year since 1997, as growing domestic crude oil production drove a 444,000 bbl/d (5.0 percent) decline from the 2011 import level. With refinery runs remaining relatively high, U.S. refiners are running an increasing amount of domestically produced crude oil. However, the crude oil import reduction trend is not geographically uniform. Most of the decline in imported crude oil occurred in the Gulf Coast and East Coast regions, while Midwest imports rose (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

Since peaking in 2005 at 10.1 million bbl/d, U.S. crude oil imports fell in six of the subsequent seven years, amounting to a total decline of more than 1.6 million bbl/d (16.1 percent). Over the same period, net crude runs at U.S. refineries fell only 200,000 bbl/d (1.4 percent). As a result, imports represented 57 percent of crude oil run in U.S. refineries in 2012, down from 67 percent in 2005.

Reductions in the use of imported crude oil were most apparent along the Gulf Coast, home to about half of the nation's refining capacity. Imported crude runs in this region were 4.5 million bbl/d in 2012, representing 58 percent of total crude runs, down from 80 percent in 2005. EIA's weekly data indicate that that trend is continuing and accelerating in 2013. Average Gulf Coast crude oil imports for the four weeks ending March 1 dropped below 3.4 million bbl/d, the lowest four-week average since 1992.

From 2005 to 2012, East Coast refinery runs of imported crude decreased 735,000 bbl/d (46 percent). That decrease was almost matched by a 685,000 bbl/d decrease in overall East Coast crude runs. Recently, the large price differentials between landlocked crudes with growing production, such as Bakken, and global seaborne crudes that are linked to the price of Brent have encouraged refiners to bring more domestically produced crude into the region via rail. In 2012, 92 percent of crude oil run in East Coast refineries was imported, down from 99 percent in 2005.

Opposite this trend, the Midwest has been importing significantly more crude oil since 2005. In 2012, runs of imported crude oil reached 1.7 million bbl/d, an increase of 205,000 bbl/d (14 percent). In 2005, almost 34 percent of imported crude oil run in the Midwest was shipped to the Midwest via another region, most commonly by pipeline from the Gulf Coast; however, by 2012, nearly all imported crude processed in the Midwest was imported directly from Canada. While total U.S. crude imports have been decreasing, imports from Canada have gone up 775,000 bbl/d since 2005. The United States imported 2.4 million bbl/d of Canadian crude oil in 2012, or about 28 percent of total U.S. crude imports.

click to enlarge

In addition to crude from Canada, crude imports from Colombia, Kuwait, and Brazil also increased; however, imports from other major suppliers declined since 2005 (Figure 2). U.S. imports from Nigeria have fallen 671,000 bbl/d (62 percent) since reaching almost 1.1 million bbl/d in 2005. This decline in imports of Nigerian crude has been split fairly evenly between the Gulf Coast and East Coast. Much of the growth in domestic production has been light low-sulfur crude oil, a suitable and more economic substitute for the Brent-price-linked Nigerian grades, which have lost competitiveness in U.S. import markets. The United States has also reduced imports of heavy high-sulfur crude from Mexico and Venezuela and light low-sulfur crude from Angola and the United Kingdom.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices both decrease for a 3rd week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased one cent to $3.70 per gallon, down 17 cents from last year at this time. Prices declined in all regions of the nation except the Midwest, where the price is $3.65 per gallon, up three cents from last week, and the Rocky Mountain region, where the price is unchanged at $3.47 per gallon. The West Coast and East Coast prices both dropped four cents, to $4.01 per gallon and $3.69 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast price declined two cents to $3.52 per gallon.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased four cents for the second consecutive week, to $4.05 per gallon, 10 cents lower than last year at this time. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation, with the largest decrease on the West Coast, where the price decreased seven cents to $4.16 per gallon. The Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountain prices are now both under the $4 per gallon mark, falling five and four cents from last week, respectively, to $3.99 per gallon and $3.97 per gallon. The East Coast price declined four cents to $4.08 per gallon, and the Midwest price is $4.02 per gallon, dropping three cents from last week.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.2 million barrels to end at 41.8 million barrels last week, and are 1.0 million barrels (2.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 1.2 million barrels, while East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories changed only slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 8.0 percent of total propane inventories.

Residential heating oil and propane prices decrease
Residential heating oil prices decreased during the period ending March 18, 2013. The average residential heating oil price fell by 3 cents to $4.01 per gallon, 10 cents per gallon lower than the same time last year. Wholesale heating oil prices decreased by 4 cents to almost $3.10 per gallon, 29 cents per gallon less than last year at this time.

The average residential propane price decreased by nearly a penny, to $2.48 per gallon, almost 39 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year. Wholesale propane prices increased by nearly 4 cents to $1.01 per gallon for the week ending March 18, 2013, 23 cents per gallon lower than the March 19, 2012 price.

This is the last data collection for the 2012-2013 SHOPP season. Data collection will resume on October 7, 2013 for publication on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  March 20, 2013
Next Release:  March 27, 2013

At 8.5 million barrels per day (bbl/d), U.S. crude oil imports in 2012 were the lowest for any year since 1997, as growing domestic crude oil production drove a 444,000 bbl/d (5.0 percent) decline from the 2011 import level. With refinery runs remaining relatively high, U.S. refiners are running an increasing amount of domestically produced crude oil. However, the crude oil import reduction trend is not geographically uniform. Most of the decline in imported crude oil occurred in the Gulf Coast and East Coast regions, while Midwest imports rose (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

Since peaking in 2005 at 10.1 million bbl/d, U.S. crude oil imports fell in six of the subsequent seven years, amounting to a total decline of more than 1.6 million bbl/d (16.1 percent). Over the same period, net crude runs at U.S. refineries fell only 200,000 bbl/d (1.4 percent). As a result, imports represented 57 percent of crude oil run in U.S. refineries in 2012, down from 67 percent in 2005.

Reductions in the use of imported crude oil were most apparent along the Gulf Coast, home to about half of the nation's refining capacity. Imported crude runs in this region were 4.5 million bbl/d in 2012, representing 58 percent of total crude runs, down from 80 percent in 2005. EIA's weekly data indicate that that trend is continuing and accelerating in 2013. Average Gulf Coast crude oil imports for the four weeks ending March 1 dropped below 3.4 million bbl/d, the lowest four-week average since 1992.

From 2005 to 2012, East Coast refinery runs of imported crude decreased 735,000 bbl/d (46 percent). That decrease was almost matched by a 685,000 bbl/d decrease in overall East Coast crude runs. Recently, the large price differentials between landlocked crudes with growing production, such as Bakken, and global seaborne crudes that are linked to the price of Brent have encouraged refiners to bring more domestically produced crude into the region via rail. In 2012, 92 percent of crude oil run in East Coast refineries was imported, down from 99 percent in 2005.

Opposite this trend, the Midwest has been importing significantly more crude oil since 2005. In 2012, runs of imported crude oil reached 1.7 million bbl/d, an increase of 205,000 bbl/d (14 percent). In 2005, almost 34 percent of imported crude oil run in the Midwest was shipped to the Midwest via another region, most commonly by pipeline from the Gulf Coast; however, by 2012, nearly all imported crude processed in the Midwest was imported directly from Canada. While total U.S. crude imports have been decreasing, imports from Canada have gone up 775,000 bbl/d since 2005. The United States imported 2.4 million bbl/d of Canadian crude oil in 2012, or about 28 percent of total U.S. crude imports.

click to enlarge

In addition to crude from Canada, crude imports from Colombia, Kuwait, and Brazil also increased; however, imports from other major suppliers declined since 2005 (Figure 2). U.S. imports from Nigeria have fallen 671,000 bbl/d (62 percent) since reaching almost 1.1 million bbl/d in 2005. This decline in imports of Nigerian crude has been split fairly evenly between the Gulf Coast and East Coast. Much of the growth in domestic production has been light low-sulfur crude oil, a suitable and more economic substitute for the Brent-price-linked Nigerian grades, which have lost competitiveness in U.S. import markets. The United States has also reduced imports of heavy high-sulfur crude from Mexico and Venezuela and light low-sulfur crude from Angola and the United Kingdom.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices both decrease for a 3rd week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased one cent to $3.70 per gallon, down 17 cents from last year at this time. Prices declined in all regions of the nation except the Midwest, where the price is $3.65 per gallon, up three cents from last week, and the Rocky Mountain region, where the price is unchanged at $3.47 per gallon. The West Coast and East Coast prices both dropped four cents, to $4.01 per gallon and $3.69 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the Gulf Coast price declined two cents to $3.52 per gallon.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased four cents for the second consecutive week, to $4.05 per gallon, 10 cents lower than last year at this time. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation, with the largest decrease on the West Coast, where the price decreased seven cents to $4.16 per gallon. The Gulf Coast and Rocky Mountain prices are now both under the $4 per gallon mark, falling five and four cents from last week, respectively, to $3.99 per gallon and $3.97 per gallon. The East Coast price declined four cents to $4.08 per gallon, and the Midwest price is $4.02 per gallon, dropping three cents from last week.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.2 million barrels to end at 41.8 million barrels last week, and are 1.0 million barrels (2.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 1.2 million barrels, while East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories changed only slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 8.0 percent of total propane inventories.

Residential heating oil and propane prices decrease
Residential heating oil prices decreased during the period ending March 18, 2013. The average residential heating oil price fell by 3 cents to $4.01 per gallon, 10 cents per gallon lower than the same time last year. Wholesale heating oil prices decreased by 4 cents to almost $3.10 per gallon, 29 cents per gallon less than last year at this time.

The average residential propane price decreased by nearly a penny, to $2.48 per gallon, almost 39 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year. Wholesale propane prices increased by nearly 4 cents to $1.01 per gallon for the week ending March 18, 2013, 23 cents per gallon lower than the March 19, 2012 price.

This is the last data collection for the 2012-2013 SHOPP season. Data collection will resume on October 7, 2013 for publication on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

Released:  April 3, 2013
Next Release:  April 10, 2013

The differential between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and North Dakota's Bakken crudes continues to fluctuate, reflecting both production growth and changes in oil transportation capacity. Bakken crude sold at a $25-per-barrel discount to WTI in early 2012 and rose to a $5-per-barrel premium last September, before again being discounted below WTI this winter. So far this year, the gap between Bakken and WTI prices has narrowed, and once again, the Bakken price has risen above the WTI price, albeit modestly (Figure 1).

click to enlarge

West Texas Intermediate prices are determined at Cushing, Oklahoma; Bakken prices are those at Clearbrook, Minnesota, where the North Dakota pipeline network joins Enbridge's pipeline running southeast from western Canada. Because of the costs of transporting Bakken crude to Clearbrook, including the pipeline tariff, the price for Bakken at the wellhead will be less than the delivered price at Clearbrook.

The strong growth in Bakken production has frequently outpaced expansion of the local transportation infrastructure, leading to discounts for Bakken crude compared to benchmark WTI. Production in North Dakota, the primary source of Bakken crude, rose 243,000 barrels per day (bbl/d), or 58 percent, in 2012 to 663,000 bbl/d, placing North Dakota second only to Texas in oil production among all states. Meanwhile, pipeline capacity out of the region, which is also used to accommodate increased production of Canadian crude flowing through the region, was estimated at only 395,000 bbl/d in 2012.

Limited pipeline capacity has forced shippers of Bakken crude to use alternative transportation, such as railroads. According to the North Dakota Pipeline Authority, loading capacity at North Dakota rail terminals increased by 660,000 bbl/d between 2007 and the end of 2012, with an additional 355,000 bbl/d of capacity expected to come on line by the end of 2014.

Although transportation of crude oil by rail is generally more expensive than shipping by pipeline, rail-loading capacity has proven cheaper and quicker to build. In addition, the logistical flexibility of rail has enabled Bakken crude to reach refining areas not typically served by pipeline from the Bakken. Historically, crude oil production from the Northern Plains has been discounted against midcontinent crudes to account for the added costs of moving these crudes by pipeline to areas such as Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast (PAD District 3).

Investment in rail offloading capacity at East Coast refineries, such as Philadelphia Energy Solutions's Philadelphia complex, suggests that Bakken offers a cost-competitive alternative to Brent-linked crude imports despite the cost of transporting Bakken by rail from the Midwest. The landed cost of Nigerian crude, the leading source of East Coast imports for most of the past two decades, averaged about $117/bbl in 2012, making Bakken and other domestic crudes economical alternatives. Because of the closure of several East Coast refineries and the availability of cheaper domestic light crude, East Coast imports of Nigerian crude fell from 471,000 bbl/d in 2005 to 166,000 bbl/d in 2012.

For West Coast refineries, cost-competitive access to Bakken crude would allow the Bakken oil to displace more-expensive imports there, as well. West Coast imports, which come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Iraq, have remained flat since 2006; however, Anacortes, Washington, began receiving unit-train shipments of Bakken in late 2012, potentially signaling new competition for West Coast oil imports.

As Bakken rail shipments reach the East and West coasts, pricing for Bakken crude oil is evolving. The ability to economically reach refineries on the East and West coasts expands the market for Bakken beyond the traditional Midwest and Gulf Coast refineries, which have experienced a glut of midcontinent crudes in recent years. By moving east and west, Bakken escapes the infrastructure constraints that have significantly affected the price of WTI. The Gulf Coast, where Brent-linked imports have already declined significantly, offers less opportunity for Bakken. As light-sweet imports continue to be displaced along the Gulf Coast, Bakken will increasingly compete with other domestic crudes, many of which have lower pipeline transportation costs to the Gulf Coast. As long as Bakken production and transportation capacity scramble to seek equilibrium, continued variation in the differential between Bakken and WTI prices is likely.

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to decrease
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased four cents from the previous week to $3.65 per gallon as of April 1, 2013, down 30 cents from last year at this time. The U.S. average price has declined 14 cents over the last five weeks. Prices were lower in all regions of the nation except the Rocky Mountains, where the price is $3.50 per gallon, up three cents from last week. The largest decrease came in the Midwest, where the price dropped six cents to $3.60 per gallon. The East and Gulf Coast prices are both lower by three cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.48 per gallon, respectively. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price is $3.95 per gallon, a decline of two cents.

The national average diesel fuel price decreased one cent to $3.99 per gallon, 15 cents lower than last year at this time. The U.S. average price has decreased 17 cents over the last five weeks. Prices decreased in all regions of the nation except the West Coast, where the price increased two cents to $4.12 per gallon. The largest decrease came on the East Coast, where the price declined three cents to $4.03 per gallon. The Gulf Coast price is $3.92 per gallon, a drop of two cents. The Midwest and Rocky Mountain prices are both lower by a penny, to $3.97 per gallon and $3.92 per gallon, respectively.

Propane inventories decline
U.S. propane stocks fell 1.1 million barrels to end at 39.7 million barrels last week, and are 5.0 million barrels (11.3 percent) lower than the same period a year ago. Gulf Coast inventories dropped by 0.6 million barrels, and Midwest regional inventories declined by 0.4 million barrels. East Coast stocks dropped by 0.1 million barrels, while Rocky Mountain/West Coast inventories decreased slightly. Propylene non-fuel-use inventories represented 9.1 percent of total propane inventories.

Text from the previous editions of This Week In Petroleum is accessible through a link at the top right-hand corner of this page.

View the original article here

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