New at FindLaw: Drug-Sniffing Dogs and eDiscovery of 'Big Data' March 29, 2013 3:01 PM
We continue our Friday round-up of what is newest, best and brightest at FindLaw.com. Below, you will find this week’s offerings from various areas of FindLaw’s unique content, including: core legal content, blogs, news and case law. Take a look at what’s new:
FindLaw Consumer Blogs:
Drug Dogs Can’t Sniff Homes Without Warrant: Law-enforcement officers, acting on a tip, used a drug dog to sniff around a suspect’s property; after the dog alerted officers to the presence of drugs inside, they came back with a warrant. What did the officers do wrong in this case, and how does it relate to the right of privacy? FindLaw’s Blotter breaks down the U.S. Supreme Court opinion. How to Become a U.S. Citizen by Marriage: You may think that an immigrant who marries a U.S. citizen automatically becomes a citizen. But in reality, the process is much more complicated. What citizenship hurdles must an immigrant overcome after tying the knot to a full-fledged American? FindLaw's Law and Daily Life explains.FindLaw Legal Professional Blogs
Prop 8, DOMA, and the Week Standing Became Sexy: The merits of the Supreme Court same-sex marriage cases may have gotten most of the attention this week, but issues of standing may prove to be more pivotal. How did the jurisdictional issues play out in both the Prop 8 and DOMA arguments? FindLaw's U.S. Supreme Court blog offers a concise summary.Law Firm Management
What Does 'Big Data' Mean in Terms of eDiscovery?: What exactly is "big data?" According to one definition, it's the amalgamation of traditional data, metadata, and social-media data. For lawyers, this "information overload" can be costly and time-consuming when it comes to eDiscovery and litigation. What are some of the best ways to prevent "big data" from causing big headaches? FindLaw's latest Legal Technology article offers some tips.-- Andrew Chow, FindLaw Audience Team

Categories: In The News Tags: citizenship, DOMA, drug-sniffing dogs, eDiscovery, immigration, marriage, Proposition 8, standing, Supreme Court, warrantless searches
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