Showing posts with label Importance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Importance. Show all posts
on 7 Aug 2013

Numbers and letters just a form of communication right? They are the components that make up our language and allow us to convey a meaning to others but numbers often have a particular meaning attached to them. People become superstitious about numbers and have 'favourite' and 'unlucky' numbers, but is there a reason that we attach so much meaning to numbers? This article looks at some of the interesting qualities of numbers and the connections we create between them and makes a few suggestions as to why we maybe do this.

Numbers are often thought of as 'special' somehow, they signify something more than words but the irony of this is that numbers are associated with words and meanings and that is how they become 'special'. It's a sensitive subject admittedly but the attack on the World Trade Centre in America was carried out on September 11th 2001 which, in America is written as 9/11/2001 and the day has become known as 911. It doesn't take much to realise that this is also the Emergency Number for North America. It is therefore presumed that this is no coincidence and the attackers did it to convey a meaning of some description - what exactly that was shouldn't be speculated on - but the point is the numbers. They have been used as a sort of code which indicates a global understanding that numbers connote different meanings to simple words.

Although the aforementioned number is already 'special' because it's the Emergency Number for North America and therefore is known by the entire continent but people play with phone numbers and see what meanings they can extract from them. On a phone keypad, numbers from two to nine have a minimum of three letters assigned as a second function to them so for instance the '2' button can also be used for 'A', 'B' or 'C'. Therefore groups of numbers, such as phone numbers, can be interpreted as words. The connotations that can be found here can be read as meaningful or superstitious, or just fun, but whichever way you look at it there are double meanings to numbers they are not just face value.

Phone numbers can also be used in this way for advertising purposes - businesses can pay for numbers that spell out their product or business name in order to make them easier to remember and therefore people are more likely to call them. This works particularly well with food stuffs, a phone number that spells out 'pizza' for instance is likely to get a high volume of calls because if you're hungry for pizza but can't find a number it is more likely that you will remember this number.

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on 20 Apr 2013

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Although dental care at times is a tad expensive, it is essential to make sure that you have strong teeth for the rest of your life. Ignoring minor issues now can lead to serious complications in the long run, making it absolutely important for you to apply for dental insurance policies. But going for a dental insurance policy is not necessary if your company provides you with a dental insurance plan. Many companies in the U.S. deduct a monthly fee from its employees and offer them dental plans in return. Inexpensive choices such as these are a great option to spend wisely and have your teeth checked from time to time.

When applying for dental insurance or a dental options, you must pick a plan that will match your specific dental requirements. Make sure that all the content present in the insurance document you read well and understood before you sign it. On acquiring dental plans, you will secure good discounts on a variety of dental procedures, helping you save some money. You are then required to meet co-pays and deductibles, but your dental care does not need to be hindered by these factors. Regardless of whether you have dental insurance, these selections are a great way to verify the kinds of discount you can use in different dental care procedures.

There are several different kinds of dental plans, each of which is connected with dentists around the country. The plans will cover some of the costs related to diagnosing and treating dental issues. One of the most important components of a the choices and is its coverage. You must have it in place regardless of whether or not you suffer from pre-existing health conditions. Although there aren't usually any waiting periods for dental check-ups, you are then qualified be able to get immediate care if you have the coverage. You don't necessarily have to pick the best plan out there if you are tight on your finances. A discount plan will be good enough to ensure that your teeth get immediate attention when required.

They design all dental plans to avoid lengthy medical bills for when there are serious issues with your oral health. They also make sure that you exercise proper care so that you will not have any dental issues as you grow older. Making the most of the inexpensive dental plans that are available can help guarantee you a safe mouth and a happy smile.

Finding a great discount dental plan provider in the New York area can be a trying task. Searching online is a great tool to be able to find the best affordable dental plans for your family. Be sure to do your research to make sure that the plan you get best suits your family's needs.

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