Showing posts with label Pre3s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pre3s. Show all posts
on 11 Apr 2013
The Great webOS Nation Giveaway: Haiku for one of four AT&T Pre3 smartphones!

The time has arrived; The Great webOS Nation Giveaway starts now.
After much thinking we're breaking up the bounty into four segments.
Each contest will have a different way to win new webOS goods.

The first starts today: four AT&T Pre3s, new in their boxes!
This contest goes back to an old poetic trope… yes, it's haiku time.
Built in three phrases - syllables: five, seven, five - haikus are quite short.
For the uncertain, here's an example haiku, written just for you:

Pre3 on Ma Bell
the best webOS smartphone
never had a chance

Creativity is the order of the day, keep it short, but sweet.
Compose your short poem, the subject is webOS, post in the comments.
Lament the shut down, plead to LG for new toys, community love.
It is up to you - your haiku should capture the webOS spirit.

We'll pick four winners and post them for all to read, and send them new phones.
The two best haikus will also get a Touchstone and a car charger.
There is a deadline: post your entry by Wednesday, 17 April.
That's one week from now, so get your haiku posted, for your chance to win.

There are four Pre3s up for grabs in this contest - you just need a poem.
It's really not hard to write a haiku yourself - why not try a few?
Five, seven, and five - poems of simple elegance, just like webOS.
Heck, you might just win an AT&T Pre3. Wouldn't that be grand?

Be sure to stay tuned for the other three contests - there's much more to come!

View the original article here

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