Cable news channels will do whatever it takes to earn viewers. Unfortunately for them, Jon Stewart has a television, too.
The host of The Daily Show highlighted the work of new CNN honcho Jeff Zucker on Thursday night, the man taking over a network that has, as Stewart put it, "represented neither the left nor right, but rather more a steady spiral downward."
Starting off with a clip that teased Zucker's desire to "redefine news," Stewart launched into a litany of lowlights that have aired on CNN in the last few months, including segments that involved holographic goats and the re-enactment of the Jodi Arias murder live in studio.
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That latter one prompted him to dry heave.
From there, Stewart ridiculed the new pundit show (Get to) The Point, mocking not just its name but its content and even lower third chyron displays.
This, of course, isn't the first time he has torn apart the Atlanta-based news network. In 2004, he appeared on Crossfire, where he memorably told its hosts that they were "hurting America." Months later, it was canceled.
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More recently, Stewart ripped CNN for its breathless coverage of the unmoored Carnival Cruise -- lovingly referred to in popular culture as the "Poop Cruise."
In a less-than-pleased response online, Steve Krakauer, a senior digital producer for CNN, tweeted, "Jon Stewart spends 1st segment making fun of CNN, then uses CNN reporting as centerpiece of next segment. America's least-ombuds-ed pundit.