Showing posts with label Thorny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thorny. Show all posts
on 27 May 2013

I never bought a foreclosure. I pay my mortgage faithfully. Now, is someone going to tell me a back-office clerk mishandled my title and their actions threaten my legitimate ownership? Will this mess hurt me when I try to sell my home?

That's exceedingly unlikely. Chaos would ensue if the millions of solvent homeowners who purchased their home - or refinanced their mortgage - in recent years had their ownership thrown into question. Even if investigators conclude that land titles have systemically been registered improperly as the associated mortgages were carved up into mortgage-backed securities and sold to investors, government would be compelled to avert such chaos by legislating a fix to the system.

And then there's the less-theoretical assurance provided by title insurance. Lenders require all borrowers to pay for a policy at closing. This protects the lender if there is a ownership claim against the title. (That's commonly called a "cloud" on the title.) Borrowers can choose to pay extra to have that coverage extend to them as well. Title insurers promise to pay legal expenses to defend a title - or to compensate owners if they lose such a challenge.

So, does that mean the foreclosure problem doesn't affect me at all?

It may not affect you directly, but the fallout could. If nearby foreclosures remain empty longer, or if buyers avoid bidding on foreclosures, your home value could deteriorate. Condominium-unit owners could face higher dues and special assessments if foreclosed units are not bought by dues-paying new owners. Existing condo owners also could have trouble selling their units because lenders refuse new mortgages at complexes that already have too many defaults.

More broadly, a prolonged halt to foreclosures could further damage the economy and the financial system, delaying the day when economic recovery gains real traction.

My bank says it is going to foreclose on my home. Is there any way to determine whether my documents were mishandled - and keep my home?

You need the advice of a lawyer who is expert on the foreclosure laws in your state. However, you can at least examine all the documents related to your home purchase and mortgage, dating from your loan closing to default and foreclosure notices, to look for errors and discrepancies. Are details such as account numbers, loan amounts, payment amounts, addresses and legal jurisdictions correct? Bring any errors to the attention of your lawer, who can advise you whether they will help you challenge the foreclosure.

I'm planning to buy a home. Will the foreclosure problem complicate things?

View the original article here

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