Showing posts with label hotels in uk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hotels in uk. Show all posts
on 16 Mar 2015
by Winged Ox I recently updated my iOS, and the repeated notification that your app works better if I let you notify me was the last straw. I am given that setting option for a reason, and if you're going to interrupt me every time I use your app to remind me of my selection and why I should change, you're out of my life. Here's something your strategy and architecture folks need to understand: In part due to the incredible amount of liberty and choice of information and experience that the likes of Facebook and the wider Internet ushered into our worlds, Millenials are far less tolerant of this kind of coercion; even delicately packaged suggestions become an annoyance. We know what we want most of the time, we know how to get it; if we don't know right now, we will in a matter of minutes. We are not like our unwitting parents and those before, believing that we must dampen our preferences and accept all of the reminders, placements, and suggestions as the nature of the beast. I, and my counterparts, have been liberated to the point that we can choose with greater autonomy, making us tremendously less elastic to embedded solicitations and nudges.

If I wanted to be notified by your app with a sound or a bubble, I've been an iPhone user since 2012, I know how to do this with the flip of a wrist, and I haven't because I DO NOT WANT TO. Mmkay?

I've deleted your app and I will not return.

by Tat2d.nrd App claims: "free"calling and msgs which is misleading. ( I already get unlimited texting and a lot of my calls are already free by default. Messenger still uses the one thing i do get charged extra for- data, and so much of it!) App claim: lots of features. (Everything it's offering is already a standard feature on your phone) App claim: easy to switch between 2 apps. (No, it isn't. This claim must be an ironic joke at the user's expense.) App claim: stickers. (Those are good for texting like a high school girl) In conclusion, messenger offers free stuff you already have (whenever it decides to work) by eating up all of your data and battery life. Have fun texting like a high schooler while messenger snoops through contact lists, emails, search history, and photos. Let's all collectively hope this app never gets hacked. In my opinion, the app is terrible and not worth the the data usage, battery drain, or risks involved. I also hate that messenger bugs you all day long with notifications. You can turn them off but it will still send lots of notifications asking you to turn on notifications. (apparently messenger is full of ironic jokes)

by Mrslukewarm I realize I'm just one person with my own unique opinion and I'm among many others writing a review for this app but, I have hope that despite that you guys still listen to the people who made you as big as you are today. It seems, from what I can gather, a lot of other people feel the same way I do. Two apps seems bulky and unnecessary. It takes up space and causes me frustration. Here I am browsing through my news feed when someone sends me a I click my messages tab and it takes me to the messenger app. Okay, great ?? let me wait for the app to boot up and load my message(s). I reply and want to go back to what I was doing so I leave to get back into Facebook again. I understand that to some people that's no big deal to have to leave one app and go to another but messaging used to be integrated, so that's a luxury I'll never forget. I wish it could be up to the user whether they want to install an entirely separate app or use the integrated messaging. But like I said I'm just one person so I don't expect anything to change.

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