Facebook, like Microsoft before it, chose to pitch their new Home interface as people-centric rather than app-centric like Apple, has released a commercial of sorts in hopes of selling the idea to the masses. And... I'm not really sure what vibe they were going for, but I found it somewhere between the original Palm Pre lady and Google give-us-all-your-stuff early efforts on the creepy scale.
If you like Facebook and aren't opposed to them getting all up in your information in exchange for socially sorted communications and connections, I don't know how this commercial helps make you feel better about giving them that level of trust. If you're scared of Facebook and don't want their tentacles anywhere near your life or loved ones, I don't know how this commercial helps move you from that opinion.
In the demo, as in the ad, we see people swiping between between beautiful photographs of gorgeous moments. A quick look at my, admittedly neglected timeline shows a bunch of meme pics and drunken mobile shots I'd sooner never see again.
I like a lot of the design work their team put in, and like I said before the event, I think the idea of Facebook face-hugging Android and injecting it with their xenomorph DNA is tactically smart, but even the best of experiences can suffer from the worst of intentions.
Bottom line, the idea of all these social and search giants giving me the services equivalent a lobster dinner, and then expecting me to put out because of it, is still a deal breaker. I'm still happy to pay for my dinner at this point.
Sadly, there's no unlike button.

Rene Ritchie
Editor-in-Chief of iMore, co-host of Iterate, Debug, ZEN and TECH, MacBreak Weekly. Cook, grappler, photon wrangler. Follow him on Twitter, App.net, Google+.
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More of: facebook home, The Competition, Facebook ? PreviouslyiMore Editors' Choice: Badland, Soundcloud, Veronica Mars, and more Next up ?Editor's desk: Big Apple Apple There are 23 comments. Add yours.
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Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_5524085.jpg)
I know a lot of girls who live on facebook on their iPhones , i wonder will this tempt them to ditch ios for android , i think it looks ok, but too in your face plus i hate anything thats a drain on my battery
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
Spoilers: It won't. But why does it matter anyway?
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_985868.jpg)
Honestly looks like a commercial for an app... Like Umi said in his article, I can't see this being a deciding factor for a meaningful number of consumers.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4660659.jpg)
Much ado about nothing special IMO. The more interesting part was that HTC is coming out with a pure android device that you can disable the facebook garbage. No direct updates but it will have LTE.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
This has to be one of the worst commercials ever.
There was nothing that drew me to Facebook. To me, he was looking at pictures in an app.
Nothing funny, cute, appealing. Seriously..that was bad. They should have just said "wifi in the airplane, during all domestic flights" and id have thought it was an airline commercial. So vague..
\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4771678.jpg)
Can I get an amen! I'd rather watch one of those old-school Quiznos subs commercials! ($1.99 with any coupon!)
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
I don't get it. I guess that's why I don't use Facebook. I guess I will send a tweet now.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
Dumb! Looked like a commercial for drag queens!
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
I kinda want it facebook home support ios so i can use and see if is worth
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_582402.jpg)
This commercial is pointless and useless. For tech geeks. For others it shows them the phone and the idea. I personally hate the idea of Facebook Home but I love the design of the HTC First, also I hate the name of the phone. I think it's too little too late for Facebook.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4660659.jpg)
The naming is strange. So much for the One branding. I guess they didn't learn after all. I'd at least went for HTC Facebook.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_5721157.jpg)
What a dumb commercial. Bah!
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_avatar-generic.jpg)
That ad is a total garbage! I hope their apps won't be as glitchy as the facebook apps for ios and android.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4774192.jpg)
Don't get the idea behind Facebook phone.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4757957.jpg)
Um, it's a phone....for Facebook diehards. That's the idea, pretty simple IMO. Or did you mean you don't get the "appeal" of it??? Bc the answer to that is also (to quote my brilliant self) "it's a phone....for Facebook diehards".
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_127012.jpg)
"In the demo, as in the ad, we see people swiping between between beautiful photographs of gorgeous moments. A quick look at my, admittedly neglected timeline shows a bunch of meme pics and drunken mobile shots I'd sooner never see again."
Bingo. No one has feeds that look this good. Then everyone at work gets to see your immature friends dumb pictures.
\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4771678.jpg)
As much stuff as Facebook already has I would really like to see this attempt at a cell phone fail miserably. Stick to the software and leave the hardware out of it Facebook. iOS4Life!
\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_5871914.jpg)
If you ask me, this just totally Zucks.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4212324.jpg)
I use Facebook, though not as much as I used to. Even if I owned an Android phone, I would be thoroughly avoiding Facebook Home.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_332240.jpg)
Looks like fun.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_214.jpg)
Ugh. Are people's own lives that boring that they have to live through others? This is beyond creepy. I use Facebook from time to time, so I'm not saying it's not interesting catching up to what others have been doing, but this is insane. It seems invasive.
Reply\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\ALL IN ONE SERVICE PROVIDERS\iph\100x100_4710099.jpg)
C'mon guys... for the poepl who think this wont sway people into changing their phones for an android... you guys should realize that people post every thing they do every minute on facebook ie just went to the bathroom, and people click like like no one's buisness. Ya know, I'm actually wonderig if all these negative comments are because Facebook has no plans to release this for iOS.... Oh and just so people like PassOutPete know... Facebook Home IS software... not hardware. They are sticking to it.

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