Showing posts with label rumors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rumors. Show all posts
on 11 Apr 2013
Everyone just relax. The childhood memories of many a prepubescent girl will not be sullied by a Joe Jonas sex tape. Despite a salacious report to the contrary, no such video exists, his rep insists to multiple outlets. claimed that the former purity ring-wearing boy-bander made an explicit vid with his Swiss model girlfriend of several months, the awesomely named Blanda Eggenschwiler, while downing alcohol and pot.

Adult accouterments, including some BDSM stuff straight out of the red room of pain from "50 Shades of Grey," were supposedly featured in the alleged X-rated encounter. April 3 was pegged as the release date.

But don't hold your breath (or bother covering your eyes) for the middle Jonas Brother to be caught in a compromising position.

"There is no truth or validity to the story," Jonas' rep assures TMZ. "It is completely false."

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By Kat Giantis

It's nice to see Lindsay Lohan fully committed to her work for once. Over the last few days, the issues-plagued recidivist pulled out all the PR stops while promoting a denim line in Brazil (and by "PR stops," we mean drama and knockers).

On the heels of her under-table escape at a São Paulo club, Lohan helicoptered into Florianopolis on Saturday barely wearing a slinky sundress. As waiting paparazzi snapped away, she served up a healthy dose of side boob in a top flimsier than her bank account. Never have we been so happy about her lengthy, human hair-like extensions.

As Linds worked hard for her rumored $100,000 promotional paycheck, TMZ says it remains unclear where she will serve out her 90-day sentence in a lockdown rehab, since it seems that type of facility doesn't actually exist for non-felons.

Another apparent sticking point: Sources say part of Lohan's plea deal included a provision that she would stay in a treatment center that would permit her to "continue taking Adderall." Seems she insisted on the prescription component or she'd roll the dice at trial, according to TMZ.

Amphetamine-laced Adderall is used to treat, among other things, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Or as Lindsay might diagnose it: life.

Insiders maintain that LiLo has popped Adderall "daily for years. She believes she needs it to function." In 2010, she was reportedly even allowed to fill her prescription during a brief stint in jail.

Her much-mocked attorney, Mark Heller, supposedly promised her that he'd locate a lockdown rehab that would keep the Adderall coming, even though "a number of people in Lindsay's life believe it was the Adderall that led to her downfall."

Heller denies making a deal over the oft-abused medication. "That was never a part of any discussion with the prosecutors or the court," he tells the New York Daily News. "That was never an issue we addressed."

Lohan must check into rehab by May 2. Click on for more shots from Brazil ...

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