New at FindLaw: Unemployment Discrimination and Patent Cases March 15, 2013 3:22 PM
We continue our Friday round-up of what is newest, best and brightest at FindLaw.com. Below, you will find this week’s offerings from various areas of FindLaw’s unique content, including: core legal content, blogs, news and case law. Take a look at what’s new:
FindLaw Consumer Blogs:
NYC Law OKs Jobless-Discrimination Lawsuits: Lawmakers in the Big Apple have approved the nation’s toughest unemployment-discrimination statute. It’s the first law to give job candidates the ability to sue prospective employers over alleged discrimination based on an applicant’s employment status. Which other states and cities have similar laws? FindLaw’s Free Enterprise takes a look. Legal How-To: Filing a Minor Car Accident Claim: When a car crash results in just minor injuries, hiring a lawyer may not make sense, financially speaking. So what are the best ways to pursue reimbursement on your own? FindLaw’s Injured offers a few helpful hints on how to handle your own minor injury claim.FindLaw Legal Professional Blogs
Happy Birthday, RBG! 8 Reasons to Celebrate Justice Ginsburg: The nation’s eldest Associate Justice marks a milestone, so we celebrate by pointing out some fun facts. For example, do you know about her dreams of being a diva, or why she’s the only Justice to wear a collar with her robe? Check out FindLaw’s U.S. Supreme Court blog for more insight.Law Firm Management
Study Finds Patent Claimants Fare Better with Juries: A comprehensive look at more than 10 years’ worth of patent cases reveals some significant differences in outcomes. How do jury trials, bench trials, and the length of a trial seem to affect patent litigation? FindLaw’s latest Corporate Counsel article explains.— Andrew Chow, FindLaw Audience Team

Categories: In The News Tags: car accident, discrimination, New York City, patent, Supreme Court, unemployment
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