New at FindLaw: Security Deposits and Concealed Firearms March 1, 2013 3:01 PM | No TrackBacks
We continue our Friday round-up of what is newest, best and brightest at FindLaw.com. Below, you will find this week’s offerings from various areas of FindLaw’s unique content, including: core legal content, blogs, news and case law. Take a look at what’s new:
FindLaw Consumer Blogs:
5 Ways to Forfeit Your Security Deposit: If you’re a renter, you probably had to fork over an extra month’s rent as a security deposit when you signed your lease. So how can you make sure you get that money back? The key is to avoiding some common tenant mistakes. FindLaw’s Law and Daily Life explains what you shouldn’t do if you want your deposit returned when you move out. 3 Tips to Keep Employee Suspensions Legal: Imposing discipline on your workforce can leave an employer vulnerable to legal claims, if you're not too careful. What issues may be raised, and how can you prevent employee legal challenges which are often costly to fend off in court? FindLaw's Free Enterprise offers three suggestions that all business owners will want to follow.FindLaw Legal Professional Blogs
The Little Guy Loses: SCOTUS Decides Clapper, Marx: The Supreme Court issued rulings in two closely watched cases this week. One involved challenges to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, while the other centered on court costs after a woman sued over her student loan debt. FindLaw's U.S. Supreme Court blog summarizes the decisions.Law Firm Management
Carrying Concealed Firearms Not Protected by 2nd Amendment: The 10th Circuit is now the latest federal appeals court to rule on the issue of carrying concealed firearms; its decision came on the same day as the 7th Circuit's ruling on a request for rehearing in another concealed-carry case. FindLaw's latest Practice Guide article explains the two circuit rulings, and why they may trigger Supreme Court review.-- Andrew Chow, FindLaw Audience Team

Categories: In The News Tags: concealed carry, employee, gun laws, landlord, security deposit, Supreme Court, suspension, tenant
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